Eating is a complex skill that involves the whole body work together to ingest, swallow, and digest foods for nutrition. These challenges are often associated with medical complexities, oral motor delays, sensory feeding difficulties, and behaviors that may lead to disruptive mealtimes. Difficulties with eating may lead to poor weight gain, limited diet or intake, delayed development, and loss of general health and growth.
At High Hopes Development Center, our team offers medical, oral-motor, sensory, and behavioral-based feeding evaluations and therapy for children whose congenital/acquired medical issues or delays affect feeding. Our therapists will work with both you and your child, using specialized training and experience, to improve your child's feeding abilities.
Children who may benefit from feeding therapy may demonstrate:
Difficulty with chewing foods
Refusal to accept certain textures
Decreased interest or motivation in eating
Avoiding, gagging, or sensitivities to certain textures
Dysphagia, children with a history of aspiration or swallow dysfunction
Delayed oral motor feeding skills
Vomiting associated with eating by mouth
Difficulty with transitioning from tube feedings to oral feedings
Failure to thrive
"Picky eaters" with a very limited diet and variety of foods
Our clinicians are trained in:
Sequential Oral Sensory (SOS) Approach to Feeding
Food Chaining
Beckman Oral Motor Approach
Pediatric Massage Therapy
Myofascial Release (MFR)
Lactation Counseling
Neurodevelopmental Treatment (NDT) of feeding
TR-eat Model
Additionally, our team remains up-to-date on evidenced-based research practices and continuing education
The signs and symptoms of pediatric dysphagia (swallowing/feeding disorder) can vary from child to child, but they often include:
Refusals of foods based on type, texture, or appearance
Limited acceptance of foods
Distress associated with food, such as turning away, facial grimacing, splayed hands, or crying
Difficulty swallowing
Noisy or wet vocal qualities during or after feeding
Recurrent respiratory illnesses
Trouble managing secretions, such as drooling or salivating, unrelated to teething
Coughing, choking or gagging before, during, or after swallowing
Inability to chew texturally age-appropriate foods
Overstuffing of food
Difficulty breathing while eating
Crying at mealtimes
Limited responsiveness while eating
Prolonged feeding times
Frequent constipation
Poor weight gain or persistent weight loss
Vomiting or spit-up associated with feeding
Based on the problems your child is having, the goals of feeding therapy will be:
Enhancing the strength and coordination of your child's oral motor skills
Increasing variety of intake
Increasing comfort level when eating a variety of foods
Strengthening head and trunk control to aid in movements of mouth, chest, and abdomen to provide optimal support for breathing, eating, and swallowing
Minimizing food or drink refusals and aversions
Making eating more enjoyable for your child and your family
Decreasing the risk of aspiration